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1 hour ago2 min read
Dairy Market Outlook: Lower Milk Production, Weaker Exports, and Declining Prices
The latest USDA forecast for 2025 projects lower U.S. milk production, as reduced output per cow more than offsets a slight increase in...

1 hour ago2 min read
Livestock and Poultry Outlook: Higher Beef and Chicken Production, Lower Prices Across Most Sectors
The latest USDA report revises historical supply and use estimates for red meat, poultry, and eggs, reflecting updated slaughter,...

1 hour ago2 min read
U.S. Sugar Supply Shrinks as Imports Decline, While Mexico Adjusts Export Strategy
The latest USDA report indicates that U.S. sugar supply for 2024/25 is reduced by 75,701 short tons, raw value (STRV) to 14.317 million...

2 hours ago2 min read
Soybean and Oilseeds Market Outlook: Stable U.S. Supply, Lower Prices, and Reduced Global Ending Stocks
The latest USDA report shows that the U.S. soybean supply and demand outlook for 2024/25 remains unchanged. However, soybean oil exports...

2 hours ago2 min read
U.S. and Global Rice Outlook: Higher Imports, Increased Exports, and Stable Ending Stocks
The latest USDA report indicates a modest increase in U.S. rice supplies for 2024/25, driven by record-high imports of 48.0 million cwt....

2 hours ago2 min read
Wheat Market Outlook: Increased Supplies, Lower Exports, and Rising Ending Stocks
The latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) report indicates that the 2024/25 U.S. wheat outlook includes larger supplies, unchanged...

2 hours ago2 min read
Global Coarse Grains Outlook: Increased Production, Lower Trade, and Declining Ending Stocks
The latest USDA report indicates that the U.S. corn outlook for 2024/25 remains unchanged from the previous month, with the...

Feb 121 min read
Cotton Market Update: Higher Global Production and U.S. Ending Stocks
The USDA’s 2024/25 U.S. cotton outlook sees minimal changes this month. Domestic mill use is reduced by 100,000 bales, leading to a...

Feb 122 min read
U.S. and Mexico Sugar Market: Lower Production and Reduced Exports
The USDA’s latest 2024/25 U.S. sugar supply forecast has been reduced by 101,129 short tons, raw value (STRV) to 14.393 million, due to...

Feb 121 min read
Global Oilseed Market: Lower Production and Stocks Amid Strong Demand
The USDA’s latest report leaves the U.S. soybean supply and use outlook unchanged for 2024/25. However, the season-average soybean...
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