The latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report from February 2024, issued by the USDA, presents essential insights into the forecast for the 2023/24 U.S. rice market and global rice production trends.
Total US rice supplies for 2023/24 reach a record 43.0 million cwt due to higher imports, while ending stocks decrease by 1.0 million cwt to 42.5 million, remaining 40% higher than last year.
Global rice supplies increase to 690.1 million tons, driven by higher beginning stocks in Indonesia and Vietnam, alongside increased production in Sri Lanka recovering from two years of lower output.
Global rice trade rises to 51.6 million tons, with higher exports from Pakistan and the United States. Projected world ending stocks remain nearly unchanged at 167.2 million tons, with notable changes in China and Indonesia.

Stock and Supply in the US: The U.S. rice outlook for 2023/24 indicates slightly higher supplies, unchanged domestic use, increased exports, and lower ending stocks. Total supplies see an increase, driven by higher imports, particularly in long-grain rice, notably Thai jasmine rice. Rice exports are raised, primarily in long-grain, due to improved sales and shipments to Western Hemisphere countries. Projected ending stocks decrease but remain significantly higher than the previous year, with the season-average price for all rice unchanged.
The global outlook for 2023/24 reflects higher supplies and consumption, modestly increased trade, and nearly unchanged ending stocks. Supply increases by 0.7 million tons to 690.1 million, driven by higher beginning stocks for Indonesia and Vietnam, along with increased production for Sri Lanka as it recovers from two years of lower output. Consumption reaches a record high of 522.9 million tons, with notable increases in Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and the Philippines. Global trade rises slightly, with higher exports for Pakistan and the United States. Ending stocks see fractional adjustments, including a reduction in China and an increase for Indonesia.
Major changes in global trade for 2023/24 include higher projected rice exports for Pakistan and the United States. Conversely, imports are reduced for Bangladesh and the EU. Barley exports are raised for Australia and Ukraine but lowered for Canada. Foreign rice ending stocks show minor adjustments, reflecting changes in production and trade dynamics across key producing countries.
The outlook for U.S. rice indicates a balanced market with increased exports and slightly lower ending stocks. Globally, rising supplies and consumption, coupled with modest trade increases, suggest a stable market environment. However, regional variations and trade dynamics may pose challenges for market participants.
Given the insights gleaned from the WASDE report, businesses operating within the rice industry are confronted with heightened uncertainty regarding market dynamics and trade fluctuations. Hedgify provides a strategic solution by empowering businesses to mitigate such uncertainties through effective hedging strategies. By leveraging Hedgify's platform to lock in key commodity prices, including rice, businesses can effectively manage risks associated with volatile market conditions, ensuring stability and continuity in their operations.
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